Participle of German verb abmachen

The participles of abmachen (remove, agree) are: abmachend, abgemacht. For participle I, the ending -end (suffix) is added to the base mach (verb stem). To form the past participle, the regular ending -t (suffix) is added to the base mach. In addition to the ending, after the separable prefix ab-, a -ge- is included. The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of verbs in the participle. Comments


Examples of Active Participle of the verb abmachen

  • Sie haben absichtlich schlecht gespielt, damit das Ergebnis von dem Spiel ausfällt wie vorher abgemacht . 


Translation of German abmachen

German abmachen
English remove, agree, concert, stipulate, untack, arrange, detach, settle
Russian Договариваться, устроить, договариваться, договориться, уславливаться, сговариваться, сговориться, условиться
Spanish quitar, remover, arreglar, contratar, convenir en, concertar, deshacer, acordar
French se mettre d'accord, convenir, s'accorder sur, convenir de, déclouer, détacher, stipuler, défaire
Turkish kararlaştırmak, sözleşmek, çıkarmak, çözmek, anlaşmak
Portuguese combinar, tirar de, desprender, tirar
Italian convenire, pattuire, concordare con, risolvere, togliere
Romanian desface, stabili, conveni, demonta, înlătura
Hungarian levesz, leválaszt, megállapodik, megegyezik, kialkuszik vmit, elrendez, lebont, letesz
Polish ustalać, ustalić, odczepiać, uzgadniać, odpinać, odpiąć, odłączać, odbębniać
Greek ξεκολλώ, συμφωνώ, αφαιρώ, βγάζω, ορίζω
Dutch overeenkomen, afspreken, uitdienen, schikken, afnemen, regelen, afdoen, verwijderen
Czech odstraňovat, ujednávat, odstranit, zařídit, odstraňovatnit, ujednávatnat, domluvit, dojednat
Swedish avlägsna, komma överens, avgöra, ta bort, avtala
Danish tage af, aftale, løsne
Japanese 約束する, 取り外す, 外す
Finnish irrottaa, poistaa, sopia
Norwegian gjøre løs, avgjøre, avtale, ta av
Serbian договорити, уклонити, утаначити, уговорити
Ukrainian домовлятися
Arabicفكك، توافقَ - اتفق، فك، فصل
Persianقرارگذاشتن.توافق کردن.جداکردن، قرارگذاشتن، توافق کردن.جداکردن، کندن، بازکردن، جداکردن
Urduطے کرنا، معاہدہ کرنا، اتارنا

abmachen in
abmachen in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Participle of abmachen

The verb abmachen fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Participle Present Perfect

Participle Present Perfect

  • ich mache ab (1st PersonSingular)
  • du machest ab (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er macht ab (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir machen ab (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr macht ab (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie machen ab (3rd PersonPlural)


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