Participle of German verb angleichen

The participles of angleichen (adapt, adjust) are: angleichend, angeglichen. For participle I, the ending -end (suffix) is added to the base gleich (verb stem). To form the past participle, the irregular ending -en (suffix) is appended to the irregular basis glich (verb stem). In addition to the ending, after the separable prefix an-, a -ge- is included. The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of verbs in the participle. Comments


Examples of Active Participle of the verb angleichen

  • Er hat sich dann doch angeglichen und zumindest die Kleidung getragen, die gewünscht wurde. 


Translation of German angleichen

German angleichen
English adapt, adjust, assimilate, equalise, equalize, harmonize, level up, level
Russian приспосабливать, ассимилировать, нивелировать, привести в соответствие, приравнивать, уравнивать, уподоблять, приравнять
Spanish ajustar, arreglar, armonizar, reajustar, asimilar, adaptar, adaptarse, amoldarse
French adapter, faire correspondre à, harmoniser h muet, réajuster, accorder, rajuster, ajuster, aligner
Turkish uygun hale getirmek, benzer hale gelmek, yaklaştırmak
Portuguese adaptar, adequar, harmonizar, reajustar, ajustar, emparelhar com, assimilar
Italian equiparare a, conformare, uguagliare, allineare, adattare, adeguare, concordare con, conformarsi
Romanian egaliza, alinia, armoniza, ajusta
Hungarian kiegyenlít
Polish dostosowywać do, dopasowywać do, zrównywać z, zrównywać się, zrównać się, zrównywać, zrównać, upodabniać
Greek εναρμονίζω, εξομοιώνω
Dutch aanpassen, gelijkschakelen
Czech přizpůsobovatbit, přizpůsobovat
Swedish jämka, anpassa, tillpassa, göra lik
Danish tillempe
Japanese 合わす, 合わせる, 調節する
Catalan adaptar, ajustar, acomodar
Norwegian anpasse, tilpasse
Ukrainian приводити у відповідність, нівелювати, узгоджувати, адаптувати
Arabicكيف، قرب
Persianهمسان سازی کردن، مطابقت دادن، هماهنگ کردن
Urduمطابقت پیدا کرنا، ہم آہنگ کرنا، موافق بنانا

angleichen in
angleichen in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Participle of angleichen

The verb angleichen fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Participle Present Perfect

Participle Present Perfect

  • ich gliche an (1st PersonSingular)
  • du glichest an (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er glicht an (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir glichen an (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr glicht an (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie glichen an (3rd PersonPlural)


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