Participle of German verb lindern

The participles of lindern (ease, alleviate) are: lindernd, gelindert. For participle I, the ending -nd is shortened by e and appended to the base linder (verb stem), because the stem ends with -er. To form the past participle, the regular ending -t (suffix) is added to the base linder. In addition to the ending, the past participle is preceded by a ge-. The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of verbs in the participle. Comments


Examples of Active Participle of the verb lindern

  • Die Entzündung kann durch Salben gelindert werden. 


Translation of German lindern

German lindern
English ease, alleviate, dull, moderate, mollify, soften, stave off, subdue
Russian успокаивать, облегчать, успокоить, облегчить, снимать, снять
Spanish aliviar, mitigar, amortiguar, apaciguar, lenificar, aplacar, calmar, paliar
French alléger, soulager, assoupir, atténuer, consoler, diminuer, lénifier, calmer
Turkish kolaylaştırmak, hafifletmek, yatıştırmak, yumuşatmak, dindirmek
Portuguese aliviar, afrouxar, suavizar, minorar, mitigar
Italian lenire, sedare, placare, mitigare, alleviare, disacerbare, attenuare, sfiammare
Romanian alina, diminua, ușura
Hungarian enyhít, csillapít
Polish uśmierzać, złagodzić, uśmierzyć, łagodzić, ukoić, koić
Greek ανακουφίζω, καταπραΰνω
Dutch verlichten, verzachten, lenigen
Czech zmírnit, mírnit, utišit, tišit
Swedish lindra, mildra
Danish lindre, mildne, stille
Japanese 和らげる, 鎮める
Finnish lievittää, helpottaa, lieventää, vaimentaa
Norwegian lindre
Ukrainian заспокоювати, полегшувати, зменшувати
Arabicخفف، سكن
Persianآرام کردن، تسکین دادن، کاهش دادن
Urduدرد کو معمولی کرنا، تسکین دینا، کم کرنا

lindern in
lindern in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Participle of lindern

The verb lindern fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Participle Present Perfect

Participle Present Perfect

  • ich lind(e)re (1st PersonSingular)
  • du lind(e)rst (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er lind(e)rt (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir lindern (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr lindert (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie lindern (3rd PersonPlural)


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