Participle of German verb wegschmeißen

The participles of wegschmeißen (throw away, discard) are: wegschmeißend, weggeschmissen. For participle I, the ending -end (suffix) is added to the base schmeiß (verb stem). To form the past participle, the irregular ending -en (suffix) is appended to the irregular basis schmiss (verb stem). In addition to the ending, after the separable prefix weg-, a -ge- is included. The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of verbs in the participle. Comments


Examples of Active Participle of the verb wegschmeißen

  • Ich habe irrtümlicherweise den Beleg weggeschmissen . 
  • Laut Umweltbundesamt werden in Deutschland ein Drittel der Lebensmittel weggeschmissen . 
  • Ich habe schließlich meine klemmende Tastatur weggeschmissen . 
  • Was man gestern weggeschmissen hat, braucht man ganz bestimmt heute. 


Translation of German wegschmeißen

German wegschmeißen
English throw away, discard, fling away, junk, chuck out
Russian отшвыривать, выбрасывать, отшвырнуть, выбросить
Spanish lanzar, arrojar, desechar, tirar
French jeter, rejeter, balancer, se marrer
Turkish atmak
Portuguese lançar, jogar fora, jogar no lixo, deitar fora, botar fora
Italian lanciare, buttare via, buttar via, buttare, gettare via
Romanian scăpa de, arunca la gunoi, arunca
Hungarian eldob, megszabadul valamitől, kidob
Polish wywalać, wywalić, wyrzucać
Greek πετώ
Dutch wegwerpen, wegsmijten, weggooien
Czech tlemit se, zahazovathodit, odhazovathodit, zahazovat, odhazovat
Swedish kasta, slänga
Danish smide bort
Japanese 捨てる
Norwegian kaste
Ukrainian викинути, відкинути, викидати
Bulgarian изхвърлям
Arabicرمى في الزبالة، رمي بعيداً
Persianدور انداختن، در زباله انداختن
Urduکوڑے میں ڈالنا، پھینک دینا

wegschmeißen in
wegschmeißen in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Participle of wegschmeißen

The verb wegschmeißen fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Participle Present Perfect

Participle Present Perfect

  • ich schmisse weg (1st PersonSingular)
  • du schmiss(es)t weg (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er schmisst weg (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir schmissen weg (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr schmiss(e)t weg (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie schmissen weg (3rd PersonPlural)


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