Worksheets for conjugation of German Verb einsinken

Worksheets are used generally for the conjugation of the verb einsinken in teaching. The materials can be used as Open Educational Resources (OER) for exercises, for games and as Tasks (CC BY-SA 4.0). There are many different types of tasks available for the verb einsinken. These are overview sheets with complete conjugation, puzzles and games that require joint learning. The entire educational material is available for free as a PDF download, as pictures and as an interactive browser version. In addition to the tasks, countless examples for einsinken also provide an aid to using the verb.

Word search

Search word for all forms of the verb einsinken

With these search word puzzles you can learn the conjugation of the German verb einsinken.

Word search PDF
Word search puzzle for conjugation of German verb einsinken
Word search PNG
Word search puzzle for conjugation of German verb einsinken
Word search puzzle 

Flash cards

Flash cards, learning cards, learning notes for all tenses of the verb einsinken

With the flash cards the verb forms of the einsinken can be learned and trained efficiently and flexibly. The learning cards can be printed and cut out.

Flash cards PDF
Flash cards for  conjugation of German verb einsinken
Flash cards PNG
Flash cards for  conjugation of German verb einsinken
Flash cards 

Verb table

Conjugation tables for all tenses of the verb einsinken

These verb tables summarize all verb forms of einsinken verbatim in a table.

Verb table PDF
Conjugation of German verb einsinken
Verb table DOCX
Conjugation of German verb einsinken
Verb table PNG
Conjugation of German verb einsinken
Verb tables


Example sentences for einsinken

  • Dabei wurde dem Rat der Stadt Wien bekannt gegeben, dass das Erdreich unter dem Gewölbe der Einfahrt eingesunken sei und um eine Beschau des Schadens gebeten. 
  • Das bedeutet, dass Häuser anfangen einzusinken , Straßen aufbrechen und Straßenlaternen in absurden Winkeln stehen. 
    English This means that houses are starting to sink, roads are breaking up and lamp-posts are leaning at crazy angles.
  • Freilich sind der ganze westliche Teil und stellenweise auch die Mitte stark beschädigt und sehr ungleich eingesunken . 
  • Am westlichen Abhang der Zentralen Kordilleren geraten sie in Sümpfe, in die sie bis zu den Knien einsinken . 
  • Es hatte viele Tage lang geregnet, und die Straße war so matschig, dass Pinocchio manchmal fast bis zu den Knien einsank . 
    English It had rained for many days, and the road was so muddy that, at times, Pinocchio sank down almost to his knees.



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