Declension of German noun Gedanke with plural and article

The declension of the noun Gedanke (thought, thinking) is in singular genitive Gedankens and in the plural nominative Gedanken. The noun Gedanke is declined with the declension endings ns/n. The voice of Gedanke is maskuline and the article "der". Here you can not only inflect Gedanke but also all German nouns. The noun is part of the thesaurus of Zertifikat Deutsch respectivly Level A2. Comments

A2 · noun · masculine · irregular · -ns, -en

der Gedanke/Gedanken

Gedankens · Gedanken

English thought, thinking, idea, plan, concept, mind, notion

Vorgang des Denkens; eine Erkenntnis; Überlegung; Einfall; der Gedanken; Eingebung

» Der Gedanke zählt. English It's the thought that counts.

⁴ Usage seldom⁰ Depends on meaning

Declension of Gedanke in singular and plural in all cases


Nom. derGedanke/Gedanken
Gen. desGedankens
Dat. demGedanken
Acc. denGedanken


Nom. dieGedanken
Gen. derGedanken
Dat. denGedanken
Acc. dieGedanken

⁴ Usage seldom⁰ Depends on meaning

Definitions  PDF


Example sentences for Gedanke

  • Der Gedanke zählt. 
    English It's the thought that counts.
  • Gedanken sind Kräfte. 
    English Thoughts are forces.
  • Gedanken sind frei. 
    English Thoughts are free.
  • Wörter drücken Gedanken aus. 
    English Words express thoughts.
  • Er kann Gedanken lesen. 
    English He can read thoughts.
  • Er negierte den Gedanken sofort. 
    English He immediately negated the thought.
  • Gedanken kann man nicht einsperren. 
    English You can't lock up thoughts.



Translation of German Gedanke

German Gedanke
English thought, thinking, idea, plan, concept, mind, notion
Russian мысль, замысль, идея, иде́я, помышле́ние
Spanish pensamiento, idea
French pensée, idée, cogitation, penser
Turkish düşünce, fikir, kavram, izlenim, esin
Portuguese pensamento, ideia
Italian pensiero, idea, concezione
Romanian gând, gândire, panseu, cuget
Hungarian gondolat
Polish myśl, pomysł, zamysł, zamiar, wyobrażenie, idea
Greek σκέψη, ιδέα, συλλογισμός
Dutch gedachte, idee, denkbeeld
Czech myšlenka, idea, pomyšlení
Swedish tanke, fundering, idé
Danish tanke, idé
Japanese 考え, 思考, 思想
Finnish ajatus, aate, miete
Norwegian tanke
Serbian мисао, помисао, замисао, промишљање
Macedonian мислa, помисла, замисла, промислување
Slovenian misel, zamisel
Slowakisch myseľ, myšlienka, premyslenie, idea, nápad, vnuknutie
Bosnian misao, pomisao, zamisao, promišljanje
Croatian misao, pomisao, zamisao, promišljanje
Ukrainian думка, гадка, міркування, ідея
Belorussian мысль, замысль, думка, iдэя
Persianفکر، اندیشه، پندار، ایده، آرمان
Urduفکر، خیال، سوچ

Gedanke in
Gedanke in Beolingus


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Meanings and synonyms of Gedanke

  • Vorgang des Denkens; Überlegung; der Gedanken
  • eine Erkenntnis; Einfall; Eingebung; Geistesblitz; Idee

Gedanke in

Meanings  Synonyms 

Declension forms of Gedanke

Summary of all declension forms of the noun Gedanke in all cases

The declension of Gedanke as a table with all forms in singular (singular) and plural (plural) and in all four cases nominative (1st case), genitive (2nd case), dative (3rd case) and accusative (4th case). Especially for German learners the correct declension of the word Gedanke is crucial.

Declension Gedanke

Singular Plural
Nom. der Gedanke(n) die Gedanken
Gen. des Gedankens der Gedanken
Dat. dem Gedanken den Gedanken
Acc. den Gedanken die Gedanken

Declension Gedanke

  • Singular: der Gedanke(n), des Gedankens, dem Gedanken, den Gedanken
  • Plural: die Gedanken, der Gedanken, den Gedanken, die Gedanken


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* Definitions come partly from Wiktionary (> and may have been changed afterwards. They are freely available under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( license: 26936, 26936

* Sentences from the Wiktionary ( are freely available under the license CC BY-SA 3.0 ( Some of them were changed. The authors of the sentences can be looked up via: 36262, 147102

* Sentences by Tatoeba ( are freely available under the CC BY 2.0 FR ( Some of them were changed. The authors of the sentences can be looked up via: 565256, 8803187, 8805873, 610636, 5277919