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Full video: Mike Pence speaks at 'Politics and Eggs' event

Full video: Mike Pence speaks at 'Politics and Eggs' event
Well, good morning, New Hampshire. It is wonderful to be back in the Granite State. Thank you all for coming out so bright and early. I'm honored to return. Honored to return to politics and eggs. We were you prove every day. It is never too soon. Or never too early to do politics or eggs in the great state of New Hampshire. Thank you all for coming out today. and I also I also want to thank Neil Levesque for those kind words. He did them all without a note and I appreciate it very much and also want to thank, of course, the college president, Doctor Joe Jofaza and Jim Brett who I know will be back on stage in just a little bit. Jim and I share a common heritage that he may reflect on momentarily but Jim, it is great to be with you and and Doctor Favaza, it is an honor to be back at this story institution Good to see you all out since my last time here in twenty nineteen. My life has changed paramount. I moved back to Indiana. I bought five acres in a pond. Became a grandfather for the first time. Lot of riding mower. that my wife actually lets me ride You know, the good part about no longer being vice president is you get to drive your own car. The bad part is you get to pay for your own gas. Karen and I, as I shared in Washington a few weeks ago, Karen and I learned a very sublime truth. Maybe true, only in America. And that is that you can be a congressman from your home state for 12 years. You can lead your state as governor for 4 years. You can even be vice president of the United States of America. But after it's all over you're still going to wait 25 minutes for a table at Olive Garden. It actually happened. I sent my daughter sent my daughter a text and she made me smile because she simply sit back in America. Uh an American flag and said, dad, that's America. You know what? She's right. It's wonderful to be with you all. I our lives have all changed, haven't they? Since 2019 in so many different ways Many ways today's country is almost unrecognizable. But to the secure and prosperous days of twenty 19. Just a few short years ago. And following the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, one year ago this week Enemies of freedom around the world have been emboldened. War is broken out with a unconscionable Russian invasion in Ukraine. Now, it's reached 6 month. North Korea has returned to its menacing threats and China's return to its military provocations across the Asia Pacific. Let me say a word about Afghanistan. And that heartbreaking retreat that took place a year ago. For those of you in this room or those who might be looking on or wear the uniform over the past 20 years you served. In Afghanistan, let me say this. Nothing of that disastrous withdrawal will ever diminish Your service to America or the sacrifice of our fallen over the last 20 years defending our freedom. Closer to home, I don't hardly have to tell you. Inflation at a forty-year high, gasoline prices through the roof. worst border crisis in American history. Our once booming economy has been brought to a screeching halt. Wages are plummeting, crime is skyrocketing in the national debt is piling up. By the day. And sadly, things are poisoned only to get worse. Yesterday, President Biden with great fanfare in the east room of the White House saying what was called the inflation reduction act. A massive seven hundred and 40 billion dollar spending bill with more taxes, more spending and the less radical climate agenda building. At a time when we see Americans struggling with the cost of energy, they're continuing to push their radical green agenda and at a time that our economy seems poised to collapse into a recession, Democrats have actually raised taxes. On job creators, in businesses all across this country ultimately impacting consumers. I mean, I I don't know if you've seen on the internet but years ago, it was President Obama who said famously, the last thing you ever want to do in a recession is raise taxes. but that's exactly what Joe Biden and the Democrats in Congress have done. I think in a very real sense, they poured gasoline on a raging fire. It's burning down the American economy. and truthfully, they'll not only not defeat inflation but likely just like the one-point-nine-trillion-dollar bill that they passed in the early months of this administration. It's very likely another year trillion dollars in spending. Well, once again, reignite. A growth and inflation in this country to the hardship of American families. In the midst of all of that, I'm sure you all heard, they're also, they've also authorized the the hiring of eighty-seven thousand IRS agents. You know, when Ronald Reagan spoke in 1964 about a little intellectual elite in a far distant capital. who thought they could plan our lives better than we could plan them for ourselves. He think you could scarcely imagine The big government socialism of it. Left-wing climate agenda. It's being implemented in Washington DC today. As we gather here today, I submit to all of you as I've said around the country American freedom is under attack as never before. Big media, big government, even big business have locked arms to advance a pernicious, woke agenda designed to control the American people and destroy the American dream. ruling at least in Washington have never been more out of touch with the values and ideals of everyday Americans. All that being said, I have hope. Can't help but think restored that that fortieth president who spent a fair amount of time in the granite state. Years ago, used to love to tell. It's a story of a farmer who took his cattle market. He loaded the cow in the back of the truck and the dog jumped into the cabin as the story goes. They drove into town, got in a traffic accident. after he survived, they ended up in court and the attorney for the other driver involved in the accident was cross examining the farmer. And he said, would you care to tell us what happened in the accident? He said, yeah, I have my cow in the back. I have my dog. He said, this guy, he just runs straight through the intersection and you know, we had a terrible crash and and dog went one ditch. Cow went the other ditch and and he said, sir, but isn't it true when the sheep showed up after the accident and ask you how you felt You said I never felt better in my life. And the farmer said, well, yeah, I reckon I did say that. He said, no further questions. then his own attorney got up with the lawyers in the room know it's called redirect and he said would you care to explain the circumstances of what happened? And he said, well, I reckon I would. He said, after the accident, he said, I woke up. I seen that sheriff cross the road. He walked over to my dog who was all beat up, wouldn't go to make it, and he pulled his revolver out, he laid the gun down by the dog's head, and he put that dog out of his misery. He said, then he walked over and saw that cow, must have had a broke back. and we weren't going to save it. He got gun out and put it down by the cow and put the cow down. He said, then, he walked across the street, looked down at me and said, and how are you feeling? I said, I never felt better in my life. But I gotta tell all of you. I never felt better in my life. Even in these challenging times, I see an energy across this country like I've never seen before. I was there in 2010. The last time we retired, Nancy Pelosi, I'm going to tell you it's going to be bigger this year. Help is on the way. We're going to deliver a great conservative victory all across New Hampshire and all across America in November of twenty twenty-two. Are you with me? 82 days from now. 82 days from now. I think the American people are going to start a great American comeback. And take back the house. We're going to take back the Senate. And just as important, we're going to elect and reelect great conservative governors like your governor Chris Sonado. He's done such an extraordinary but it's going to be important about what our messages in those days and it's what's animated my travels around the country in so many ways. And the truth is the conservative movement has always been build on the notion that ideas have consequences. Conservatism is bigger than any one moment, any one election, any one person It's always been about ideas And I'm proud to say under the Trump Pence administration, it was those ideas that we put into practice that transformed America, transformed American security, and prosperity as never before. By putting common sense conservative principles into practice, a strong national defense, free market economics, conservatives on our courts, and unapologetically putting America first on the world stage. We achieved the lowest employment, the highest household income, the most pro-American trade deals, the most secure border, and we made the most powerful military in the history of the world even more powerful. but I came here today not to look backwards but to look forward. because elections are about the future. And I truly do believe now more than ever Leaders in our party here in New Hampshire and all across America need to be focused on the challenges facing the American people today and offer positive, proven solutions. For tomorrow. I mean, in 2022, I think we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to save America From the decline and decay brought on by progressive policies and I think we also have an opportunity to elect a truly durable governing majority in Washington DC and in state houses around the country. To accomplish that, we must be the loyal opposition. We must be prepared to say what's wrong with what they're doing. As I've already begun today, you hear, I never hesitate to do that. It's important that we be the loyal opposition but the Bible says, without a vision, the people perish and what's true of a people is also true, a movement and I would submit to each and everyone of you. In order to win, in order to have an election that's not just victorious but an election that's a realignment election that sets the stage for durable American renewal. We need to do more than criticize and complain. We need to unite our movement around a bold, optimistic agenda that will give real solutions for the American people. That's why I founded an organization in Washington DC last year called Advancing American Freedom. We brought together maybe 50 independent conservative minds in the country. Many of which I know have spoken here at politics and acts. And I essentially asked them this question. I said, can you, can you take the better part of a year And summarize what the ideas that have animated this movement from Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump are. We put it all in one place and called it the freedom agenda. You can actually look for it online later or even now if you're watching long distance advancing American Freedom. com. It was a collaborative effort of people that literally forged that movement and we built it on three essential pillars with one solid foundation. Those pillars are a a commitment to unapologetic defense of American culture. A commitment to American prosperity built on freedom. And a commitment to American leadership in the world. and all those ideas we set on top of a commitment to the constitution of the United States of America. First and foremost, by focusing on culture. Our freedom agenda was built on the principle that politics is downstream from culture. As the late Andrew Breitbart famously saidthe truth is, if we continue to allow the radical left dumping toxic waste into the headwaters of our culture. Politics are going to become even more poisonous over time. The culture we seek to preserve as conservatives is a culture down by generations of Americans since the days of this founding. The belief that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. Life and liberty, the pursuit of happiness. I think it's important to note that the first among those inalienable rights is life. and I couldn't be more humble to have been a small part of an administration So did the appointment of three conservative justices on the Supreme Court of the United States. Uh just a few short months ago, rendered a decision that sent Roe V Wade to the ash heap of history where it belongs. It gave America a new beginning for life. After 50 years of praying and fasting and working and hoping and generous and compassionate efforts, millions of Americans. We have a new beginning. The truth is we've only come to the end of the beginning. As I've said around the country, now we must take the case for life to every statehouse in America. We must also work to expand support for women in crisis pregnancies to support the unborn and the newborn with equal vigor and generosity. We want adoption to be easier and and more affordable for everyday Americans. And finally, we want to end all taxpayer funding of abortion. An abortion providers once and for all. Beyond that core commitment to life and our commitment to restore the sanctity of life to the center of American law. Our agenda calls for defending religious liberty and defending the freedom of speech from this era of censorship, coercion, and cancel culture. To securing our border, protecting our communities against violent criminals. To ending critical race theory in our schools and offering an agenda to our children that upholds and celebrates the progress that we have made toward a more perfect union throughout our history. We call for enacting universal school choice which the state of Arizona just did. I'm proud to say when I was governor of Indiana, we doubled our school choice program. We also call for ending the assault on women's sports. By adherence of radical gender, ideology, and through it all, defending them. God-given Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. The culture begins with defending those ideals that are enshrined in our bill of rights in our constitution and in the hearts of millions of Americans. But secondly, Our agenda is built on a promotion of economic freedom. We can restore the vitality of our economy through applying free market principles, not more spending, more taxes, and more government that this current administration is advancing. The American Free Enterprise System is the most powerful economic engine in the history of the world. No other system has created more wealth, lifted more people out of poverty, or improved the quality of life for more people. On planet Earth. And we know how to fix this economy. We did it before. Not too long ago. By cutting taxes, rolling back regulation, unleashing American energy, fighting for free and fair trade. We gained seven million new jobs in three short years. Unemployment plummeted to the lowest rate in 50 years. Unemployment rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans was the lowest ever recorded. And household income soared by nearly $6000 dollars which was a new record with 10 million people lifted off poverty. Our agenda calls for making the Trump Pence tax cuts permanent. Restoring American energy independence and supporting reciprocal trade deals to bring American jobs back home. And finally, the freedom agenda requires that we be committed to American leadership and security. Commitment to live out our obligation as the arsenal of democracy. and the truth is, this administration has been growing government at home as never before in my lifetime or yours. At the same time, it's flatline military spending. Now, I couldn't be more proud during our administration that after years of reckless budget cutbacks, we we saw to the investment of nearly 3 trillion dollars in defense spending. Including seven 40 billion dollars in 2021. We we actually also secured more than $400 billion dollars in additional defense spending by our Nato allies because America's allies in freedom must do their share as partners in freedom and they began to do it under our administration. And lastly, we created the first new branch of our armed forces in 75 years. With the establishment of the United States Space Force. You know, I love what John Adams said. So many years ago that America must never quote go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. Our objective as a nation is never been to impose our ideals or values on any nation or should it ever be. We must always be prepared And in this time of great power competition with the Chinese Communist Party with the resurgent Russia. We have to have a military fit to the task. Finally, freedom agenda provides a clear road map for conservative leaders. I believe that the ability to deeply connect with the aspirations of the American people. You know, as your vice president, as governor of state of Indiana, it was these ideas that I saw animated the crowds as we traveled all across the country. I mean, I, it was, many people that don't understand our movement, thought that it was driven by personality and there's no question from Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. We have had our share of big personalities in this party and I expect we will again. But I must tell you, as I spoke to crowds, large and small around the country, it was the ideas that created the roller. It was a commitment to those American values. That brought people out. And I believe provides a foundation. And all these values, whether culture, whether it be prosperity, whether leadership are all built on the foundation of the constitution of the United States of America. I believe our agenda and our party must recognize that the Republican Party may actually be the last line of defense for the constitution of the United States. You know, for most of our history, both political parties were committed to the ideals enshrined in our filing documents Sadly, that's no longer the case. We live in a time when leaders in the Democratic Party routinely demean the American founding. Democrats have made efforts to rewrite our constitution, our Second Amendment to redefine the liberties enshrined in the Bill of Rights. If you look no further than the assaults on religious liberty, the assaults on freedom of speech taking place on our campuses and our schools to see. Where have I speak? and it was last year that it was Senate Republicans that rightly rejected an effort by Democrats to nationalize our elections. Even though the constitution contemplates that elections are governed at the state level. It's something I hardly need to tell this person in the nation state. So, as we forge this agenda for the future of our party, I think we we need to make it clear that the Republican Party will always defend the principles at the heart of our republic We don't, noone else will. You know, every office holder in this country takes the same oath of ours. It's the same oath our military. The same oath my son was a captain in the Marine Corps took and my unworthy son-in-law who is a lieutenant in the navy. I took that oath as a congressman, as a governor and I took that oath on Ronald Reagan's Bible. to be your vice president. and the American people have to know the Republican Party will always keep our oath to the constitution. Even when it would be politically expedient to do otherwise. The Bible says he keeps his oath even when it hurts. I have some experience with that. I must say, I I truly do believe the American people are looking. For men and women of conviction who understand and wellspring of this nation's liberties, the constitution, and the declaration and are prepared to defend it. Now more than ever, America needs the Republican Party. To be the party of the constitution. So, the need has never been greater for a unified conservative action around a unified conservative agenda and this. So, it's carried me all across the country and I'll continue to carry me these 82 days and wherever the lord leads after that. And the truth is, we have an extraordinary opportunity to build a lasting majority in this country but I think it only comes if in addition to telling the American people what's wrong with their ideas. We remind them what's right about our ideas. And how our ideas are grounded in the principles of American freedom that on which was founded. So, I thank you for the opportunity to come today You know, we've all been through a lot of the past 2 years global pandemic, civil unrest, a divisive election, a tragic day at our nation's capital, and the Democrat administration that seems intent on growing big government socialism and weakening America at home and abroad. But as I said before, I'm incredibly optimistic. I'm optimistic because I've had the great privilege over the last 20 years to get to know the American people in ways that I never thought I would. I've met people big cities and small towns. I met him in good times and in bad I've seen the character of the people of this country. The American people always rise to the challenge. Visit the scene of a hurricane, visit a scene of a flood Seeing the way thousands of perfect strangers show up and spend their time and their treasure to help people that they never met before and will never see you again. That's America. and this is a great country. I can't help but think of Solomon's prayer that I read in my devotions. Just the other day. When he asked, he asked god that he would give him, give him a discerning heart to distinguish between right and wrong and he added, for who is able to govern this great people of yours? I can testify first hand having served four years as your vice president having traveled across this country over the last 20 years in various roles. This is a great piece. And America has a great future if we would simply give America government as good as our people. And I believe we will. It'll take all of us to do it. And so to all of you that share our values and share our convictions. I just urge you to do everything in your power. 82 days. Do not rest, do not relent, do not fast go, do not collect $200 until we retire Nancy Pelosi once and for all and we send a new Republican senator from New Hampshire to a new Republican majority on Capitol Hill in the United States Senate. The future's bright. If we focus on the future. I know there are some that want to make this election about the past but elections are always about the future. I don't know what the future holds but I know who holds the future And I have faith that as long as the Republican Party is the party of the future, the American people will rally to our cause. Because I have faith. Faith as I've said in the American people but I also have faith in him who who established this miracle of democracy on these wilderness shores. You know, I'm always inspired by the covenant to New England. As in Indiana, we don't have the tourist sites that you all have. I'm a student of American history, the American founding and these are these are story places in which you live. We're against all odds against the most powerful force in the world, Freedom was minted. But it all began with faith People who believe that they were called by problems to create a shining city on the hill. and we have. America is the greatest nation in the history of the world because we have a great people who believe in freedom and because we have ever put our trust. in this one nation Under god with liberty and justice for all. And so long as we keep that faith the best days for the greatest nation on earth are yet to come. Thank you all for having me this morning. Thank you for the time mister Vice President. Uh as he indicated that we we have a personal connection appears that the. vice president's grandfather immigrated to the United States from Ireland in the early 19 twenties He came from a He came from a little town in County Sligo. Called Tapacurry. Well, guess what? In the early twenties, my father also came to this country also from Tuppercurry. Now, it's a small village. The chances are good. The two men knew are new or of each other. Perhaps, they were even cousins. Who knows? Well, what? What I do know that I am sure. Let's say this. what I am sure that the Vice President will agree with me is that we are glad those men made the decision to come to America. The land of opportunity. Mister Vice President, so much is going on. Since you left office I must ask this question. what was going through your mind When the Department of Justice issued the warrant, an affidavit to search the residents of Mar a Lago and when they retrieved eleven boxes, some said, top secret, some said secret, some said confidential, some said top secret, or secret intelligence. What was going through your mind? Well, cousin Jim, Thank you. Thank you for the wonderful reflections. Thank you. it's a great deal to me. It actually does. The reasons I could tell people in this room now. Um but let me begin by saying, look, it's fairly well known that President Trump and I have had our differences. but after years during our administration that saw the politicization of the FBI We're doing the tenure of Director Comey was readily able that FBI agents were were were promoting political agendas in their official capacities. Um I was deeply troubled. to learn that a search warrant had been executed at the personal residence of a former president of the United States. I was overseas at the time traveling with my wife on vacation but I still felt it was important to weigh in. I I called on Attorney General Garland to give the American people full accounting of the reasons why this action was necessary. And while he's begun to do so, he's not nearly enough information has been provided. And I'm going to continue to call on the attorney general to make that information available with the American people. Look at that and make it available to the intelligence committees that are competent in dealing with classified information. We never before in American history has a personal residence of a former president and subject to a search warrant. And in the wake of the four years that we endured, the politicization of the FBI the American people have a right to know the basis for this This unprecedented action does demand unprecedented transparency. That said, I earlier today and elsewhere, right? I also want to remind my fellow Republicans we can hold the attorney general accountable for the decision that he made without attacking a rank and file law enforcement personnel at the FBI. The Republican Party is a party of law and order. Our party stands with the men and women who serve on the thin blue line at the federal and state and local level And these attacks on the FBI must stop. Calls to defund the FBI are just as wrong as calls to defund the police. The truth of the matter is we need to get to the bottom of what happened. We need to let the facts play out but more than anything else, The American people need to be reassured in the integrity of our justice system and the very appearance of a recurrence of politics playing a role in decisions at the Justice Department demands transparency as never before and I will continue to call on the attorney General and the Justice Department to make that information available to the American people and do so now. and sorry. Um January 6th, the committee do you think they are providing a public service? The citizens of this country? Are they providing information that none of us was aware of and overall, we're kind of like grade or evaluation we could get But January 6th was a tragic day. in the history of our country. Not just for those of us that live through it. At the Capitol. But for every American. I mean to see our historic capital ransacked. I must tell you angered me. but thanks to the heroic efforts of law enforcement Capitol Hill Police, Federal Law Enforcement. The violence was quelled. and what was began as a day of tragedy, I believe, was ultimately a triumph of freedom because on the very same day, the worst attack on our capital since 1812. the American people and the world witnessed the elected representatives of this country reconvene and seated the orderly transition of power under the constitution of the United States. Now, I must tell you that The American people have a right to know what happened that day. and in the months and years ahead, I'll be telling my story even more frequently than I have. Just finished writing a book It begins with that grandfather he mentioned coming over from Ireland and it ends with the day that I left office and every day in between. I must tell you that whatever the intentions of the January 6th committee, I was I was disappointed when Speaker Pelosi broke tradition in the congress where I served for 12 years. And refused to seat Republican members that were appointed by the minority leader. Simply never been done. in the tradition in the congress is the majority gets the majority of seats on committees and the minority gets a minority of seats and each side gets to pick who sits in those seats. Right up until then. and I think it was a missed opportunity for the American people. I was on Capitol Hill on 9/ 11 as well The 911 Commission did great service to the country because they went above politics They brought together men and women that were respected on both sides of the aisle that came and were able to learn what we could learn about what led that fateful day in two thousand and one. And Jeremiah can't help but feel whatever the intentions of this in the very beginning that it's and whatever new informations come out to the American people and more will come. I I the opportunity that we had to bring the country together to learn the lessons that we should learn from that day and to internalize them going forward and ultimately ultimately to celebrate those beginning with law enforcement who made it possible for it to be a victory for freedom. It's been a missed opportunity. just just to stand on that. Uh Jeremy said, if they were to call you the committee to come and testify and talk, would you be agreeable? Why would if there was an invitation to participate, I would consider it but You've heard me mention the constitution a few times this morning On the constitution, we have three co-equal branches of government. and any invitation to be directed to me, I would have to reflect on that. The unique role that I was serving in as vice president. Um be unprecedented in history for a Vice President to be summoned. to testify on Capitol Hill but I, as I said, I don't want to preach at it. So, if ever any formal invitation rendered to us, we get a due consideration about it. My first obligation is to continue to hold my oath continue to uphold the framework of government enshrined in the constitution that has created the greatest nation in the history of the world. We'll do that and we'll do that. good time for a couple of questions. Uh we have two outstanding students, Isabella and Connor. Uh I have the microphone. So, if you raise your hand, just wait until either one of them comes by. Usually start off at our friends and AARP. Uh Thank you. Uh my name is Alan Cohen from AARP. Hi, Alan. Uh hello. Um one of our favorite topics is Medicare. Medicare provides critical health coverage for tens of millions of older Americans. Right. What would you do to strengthen Medicare in the future? Well, I I you know, I'm really proud. I I I point you to my record when I was governor of the state of Indiana. Um on what we did on healthcare reform. Particularly with Medicaid. Uh but look, we have we have a solemn promise to the American people that we've made in Medicare and Social Security and we'll keep that promise. Uh there are very few more strong bipartisan convictions on Capitol Hill than that. But I believe we've gotta continue to look for ways as we did in our administration as I did when I was governor to modernize these systems to put patients in charge, to give to give what we call consumer directed health care. It's day because ultimately, that's that will result in in better outcomes for people. Um and and greater control over your own health care choices. So, I'm I think it's important that we always keep our commitments and make it make it clear to seniors and as we go into election season, always, we're always hearing about what Republicans are going to do to Social Security or Medicare is not going to happen Um but I do think what has to happen and also there's a fiscal element to it as well. We can reform these systems, provide better services, give Americans more choices over their health care decisions, and ultimately, at the end of the day, by giving people better choices and better incentives, you have better outcomes, better health, and that actually ends up reducing the cost in the long term to taxpayers. Somebody get your hand down. Thank you Steve Steppenak, chairman of the party here in New Hampshire Republican Party that is. Uh as you know, the Republican Party reinforced the first of the nation primary schedule. Uh Kavaud scheduled back in the spring and unfortunately, it doesn't look like Democrats are going to follow suit. What is your opinion of that? New Hampshire is the first in the nation primary period, paragraph. I I must say, I also heard that they're looking to look the other way on Iowa. and I I I just think I think tradition is important. I think that I don't I've I've never spent a lot of time in New Hampshire but I may someday. and there's something about what you people do here. It's on both sides of the aisle that I think is contributed to the quality of leadership that we've generated in this country. I truly believe it. get him off the big stages and get him off the television screens and put him in the living room. I'm Representative Richard Luger, the late Senator Richard Luger, who's a great friend of mine who had a a short sojourn in the presidential politics In 199-six. Senator Luger told me one time memorably how much he enjoyed being in New Hampshire. He said, Mike, he said, there's nowhere in America that reminded me more of Indiana than New Hampshire. And in my little experience here, the privilege I had to come and go. I think I'm starting to figure out what he meant. Strong community, strong families, strong commitment bedrock values that have made the country great and and that to me, Steve, must remain the cauldron in which we surge American leadership for generations to come. Hi, good morning. Oh, sorry. Good morning, mister Vice President. Amy Carnevalle. I'm with K and L Gates also affiliated with the Massachusetts Republican Party. Yeah, thanks. Um thank you so much for your service and as you talked about this morning, the Trump Pence administration achieved many remarkable policy successes for New and glitters including energy policy, deregulation, operation, warp speed, and economic growth. Um as you're thinking ahead to talking with specifically to Republican voters who may be active in the nomination process in twenty twenty-three. Could you talk a little bit more about how you articulate your message specifically for those Republicans? Well, I I I just think it really Amy begins just with reminding people that we're the party of ideas. I mean, there's that old that old saying that, you know, Republicans run for office and worried that people aren't going to know what they want to do. Democrats for office and worry that voters are going to know actually know what they want to do. Right. I mean, so I think I think making sure as we we deliver a great victory this fall and in the days ahead, we're, you know, we got men and women contesting at every level that are they're articulating a vision for where we want to go. I I think the American people, my experience is the American people are ultimately very fair minded. Um and by that, I mean, There's only so much time I have for you to tell me what's wrong with the other person's idea. Now, you need to tell me what's right about yours. was on Chris Ryan's radio show this morning and he he kind of affirmed what I'd said by saying, yeah, we know what the problems are. We actually don't need candidates that are simply reciting the problems. We need candidates to criticize the solutions and I and I, that's going to be my message going forward and I and I I'm going to be encouraging all of my all of my friends who have aspirations at every level to be doing the same because I think ultimately that's what that's what drove our movement is 74 million votes in in 2020. It's it's what it's what drove us to that historic election in in 2016 and and while the media focused on on personalities and controversies and the back and forth of politics, what I saw everywhere I went was the American people saying, I have we have a ticket that says we can be strong again, we can be prosperous again, we can build it all, on all the things that have always made America strong and good and free. And that's what rally that movement and that's what we're rallying. Our movement and lay a foundation to win back the country in twenty twenty-four. Mister Vice President Peter Abbott, the British Consul General to New England, I represent that former greatest military power that you refer to couple of times in your remarks. But it's lovely to talk to you. Lovely to to meet you today. I wanted to ask you about Nato and about international alliances. You mentioned NATO spending which I know has been a an issue for Republican presidents over the years. I'm pleased to say that the United Kingdom has always been the second largest defense contributor to Nato after the United States. We take our burden sharing responsibility very seriously. And I wanted to have your comments. Thank you. I want you to pick up on your comments about big power competition, about China, about Russia and ask you specifically about how America should be working with its international partners to tackle those threats. Thank you very much. Well, Council General, thank you so much for your words and I'm I'm glad my my reference to so long ago is not too soon. Um pretty cool. Uh and let me affirm what you said. I mean, if one of the one of the things that I learned as a member of congress on the foreign affairs committee, one of the things that I learned as vice president was the special relationship the United States has with the UK. It truly is extraordinary. One of one of my disappointments in not being hired on for another 4 years. Is that we we'd set the table for a tree trade agreement post Brexit with the UK. We began preliminary discussions. Uh and it's still an idea whose time has come. We ought to have a free trade agreement with UK. We have no stronger ally in the western world. And then he also I'm I'm incredibly proud of the fact not only and this is a, you know, as I've said, I've got a couple in that wear the uniform now in my immediate family. My dad was a combat veteran in Korea Um Karen's dad was an Air Force captain. with the fact that we were able to rebuild our military as a source of great pride in me and maybe the most important thing that we did in our four years but the fact that we also got our Nato allies to step up and make commitments for $400 billion dollars in burden sharing. South Korea made all new commitments in burden sharing. Japan, the same after after years where there was a lot of happy talk and it feels like we've gotten back to happy talk with our allies. Uh we actually had a who've been a landlord and he talked about it. He talked about our alliances like, you need to pay the bills, right? And I remember why I I made the first trip overseas as vice president to Europe and everybody over there was was real nervous in February 2017. Um because they heard America first and they were all worried about what they call New American isolationism and noone. What they were hearing was America providing leadership for the free world again. and I have to tell you the tragic events, the unfolding, unconscionable war in Ukraine has now if there's only, if there's one silver lining and maybe now that what we began in the Trump Pence administration has not been minted. Uh on the continent of Europe and they understand the very real threat. The the expansion of Nato, our senators recently endorsed is vitally important. We but I I I want to affirm to you that we we just have no greater ally and you're a broadly defined than the UK and I'm also can tell you my my son my son actually deployed for 8 months on the HMS Queen Elizabeth. They actually took a marine contingent of pilots out with him and so he was he was landing on that deck day in and day out and it's an extraordinary relationship and you all deserve to know whether person, golf, or operation, enduring freedom in Afghanistan, Operation Iraqi Freedom. It's absolutely true to say while we occasionally differ on politics, occasionally differ on agenda. When we go, UK goes. And we'll always be grateful you. So, god bless you Council Channel. Please convey my regards. Young lady. Hi, I'm Sandy Henniquin. I'm with Wilberdy Utilities and first of all, I wanted to thank you for your commitment to the First in the Nation New Hampshire being first in the nation. I've lived here how long I guess, 22 years and it's part of the fabric of our state. So, appreciate that but. Part of the fabric of America. True. But my question isn't about that. My question is, when you were talking about the freedom agenda, one of the issues that I was wondering if you could touch on is where energy fits in there and kind of what your vision on and and this group vision is on energy issues. Um I just went by it real fast. but if you go to Advanced American Freedom. com, you'll see we spend a lot of time on it. Uh our organization has actually spent the better part of $10 million dollars already in the last 4 months on ads around the country promoting a return to American energy independence. We've been running them in congressional districts around the country. Hm. Urging America's caller member of Congress. I mean, it's it is extraordinary. It is extraordinary to see the damage that this administration did in a short period of time. To the progress that we made on energy independence in the Trump Pence administration. We we actually achieved energy independence for the first time in 75 years. By by allowing the responsible exploration of oil and natural gas in in Alaska and in public lands around the country. as you know, we became a net exporter of energy for the first time in three quarters of the century. I mean, we're we're the Saudi Arabia of natural gas. And there was incredible amount of capital investment, incredible. I I visited so many of these sites around the country In the American economy, I believe in many respects, that booming economy before the pandemic hit so hard, was driven by low-cost, affordable energy. It shows up on family's budgets but it also, it's a driving force behind manufacturing in this country, right? And this administration on day one, literally, day one, President Joe Biden comes in and shut down the Keystone of Dakota Pipeline. Literally, offline you know, millions of acres of federal lands for responsible exploration. Alaska National Wildlife Region, we've gotten approved, taken off the docket and low and behold, gasoline prices started to go through the roof. I know they like to blame high gas prices on the war in Ukraine but gasoline prices were were up 50% before the first shot was fired in the war in Ukraine. I mean, high energy prices in America are not a result of a war in Ukraine. They're a result of the war on energy and it has got to stop. So, we've been running ads all over the country. We're continuing to carry that message across the country and and the American people are with us. We, I'll leave you with one thought. You know, as serving in the well of congress, you you sit there for long votes so you get a chance to look around. There's only a few things written on the walls of the Chamber of Commerce of the the Chamber where the House of Representative meets. One is E pluribusuminum which is one out of many on top. One is famously the word and god we trust above the American flag. But much lesser known as a plaque that speaks to you the point you raised. It's a quote from Daniel Webster and it's just above the American flag. Out of the line of sight for major speeches. but I remember reading it one time in a debate over American energy when I was in the congress and Daniel Webster essentially said, Let us develop the resources of this land. and call forth its power. That we might do something in our time worthy to be remembered. I mean, one of the greatest leaders of the first century of American history spoke about the central focus of the god-given natural resources this country to our nation's greatness. And I truly do believe if we're going to achieve another great American century, we're going to continue to lead the world for freedom. We gotta recognize that the source of that American greatness is our faith in god, our freedom, and our vas natural resources and if we strengthen all three, there's a boundless American future that awaits. So, thank you very much. It's a joy to be with you today. God bless you here. Mister Vice President, I have a feeling you're going to be spending couple of overnights here in New Hampshire over the next couple of months and you might need an overnight bay. Thank you. Thank you.
Full video: Mike Pence speaks at 'Politics and Eggs' event
VIDEO: Watch as Mike Pence delivers remarks at Saint Anselm College.

VIDEO: Watch as Mike Pence delivers remarks at Saint Anselm College.
