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<strong>Differentialgleichungen</strong><br />

Differentialgleichung von y/x<br />

In[53]:= DE = y'@xD ==<br />

Out[53]= y £ yHxL + x<br />

HxL <br />

yHxL - x<br />

y@xD + x<br />

y@xD − x<br />

In[54]:= DSolve@DE, y@xD, xD<br />

Out[54]= ::yHxL Ø x - ‰ 2 c 1 + 2 x 2 >, :yHxL Ø ‰ 2 c 1 + 2 x 2 + x>><br />

schrittweise Lösung<br />

In[55]:= Gleichung = ·<br />

1<br />

u+1<br />

− u<br />

u−1<br />

Out[55]= - 1<br />

2 logIu2 - 2 u - 1M logHxL<br />

In[56]:= Solve@Gleichung, uD<br />

Out[56]= ::u Ø x2 - 2 x 4 + x 2<br />

x 2<br />

Hausaufgabe: Beispiel 1.23<br />

u == ‡<br />

1<br />

x x<br />

>, :u Ø x2 + 2 x 4 + x 2<br />

In[57]:= gleichung = 1<br />

2 ‡<br />

2y− 1<br />

y2 − y − 2 y ‡ x x<br />

Out[57]=<br />

1<br />

2 logI-y2 + y + 2M x2<br />

In[58]:= Solve@gleichung, yD<br />

Out[58]= ::y Ø 1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1 - 9 - 4 ‰x2<br />

>, :y Ø 1<br />

2<br />

In[59]:= DE = y'@xD x 2y@xD2− 2y@xD− 4<br />

2y@xD− 1<br />

Out[59]= y £ HxL x I2 yHxL2 - 2 yHxL - 4M<br />

2 yHxL - 1<br />

In[60]:= DSolve@DE, y@xD, xD<br />

Out[60]= ::yHxL Ø 1<br />

2 1 - 9 - 4 ‰c1+x2 x 2<br />

9 - 4 ‰ x2<br />

>, :yHxL Ø 1<br />

2<br />

>><br />

+ 1 >><br />

9 - 4 ‰ c1+x2 + 1 >>

2 MatheIII03-.nb<br />

In[61]:= DSolveB:y'@xD x 2y@xD2− 2y@xD− 4<br />

,y@x0D y0>, y@xD, xF<br />

2y@xD− 1<br />

Solve::ifun :<br />

Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found;<br />

use Reduce for complete solution information. à<br />

Solve::ifun :<br />

Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found;<br />

use Reduce for complete solution information. à<br />

Out[61]= ::yHxL Ø 1<br />

2 1 - 9 - I-4y02 + 4y0+ 8M ‰ x2-x02 >, :yHxL Ø 1<br />

2<br />

In[62]:= DSolveB:y'@xD x 2y@xD2− 2y@xD− 4<br />

,y@0D 3>, y@xD, xF<br />

2y@xD− 1<br />

9 - I-4y0 2 + 4y0+ 8M ‰ x2 -x0 2<br />

Solve::ifun :<br />

Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found;<br />

use Reduce for complete solution information. à<br />

Solve::ifun :<br />

Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found;<br />

use Reduce for complete solution information. à<br />

DSolve::bvnul : For some branches of the general solution,<br />

the given boundary conditions lead to an empty solution. à<br />

Solve::ifun :<br />

Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found;<br />

use Reduce for complete solution information. à<br />

General::stop :<br />

Further output of Solve::ifun will be suppressed during this calculation. à<br />

Out[62]= ::yHxL Ø 1<br />

2<br />

16 ‰ x2<br />

+ 9 + 1 >><br />

In[63]:= DirectionField@DE_, y_@x_D, 8x_, a_, b_

MatheIII03-.nb 3<br />

In[64]:= plot1 = DirectionField@DE, y@xD, 8x, −2, 2

4 MatheIII03-.nb<br />

Out[65]=<br />

General::stop :<br />

Further output of Solve::ifun will be suppressed during this calculation. à<br />

DSolve::bvnul : For some branches of the general solution,<br />

the given boundary conditions lead to an empty solution. à<br />

DSolve::bvnul : For some branches of the general solution,<br />

the given boundary conditions lead to an empty solution. à<br />

DSolve::bvnul : For some branches of the general solution,<br />

the given boundary conditions lead to an empty solution. à<br />

General::stop :<br />

Further output of DSolve::bvnul will be suppressed during this calculation. à<br />

Part::partw : Part 1 of 8< does not exist. à<br />

ReplaceAll::reps :<br />


MatheIII03-.nb 5<br />

In[66]:= Show@plot1, plot2, PlotRange → 80, 5

6 MatheIII03-.nb<br />

In[69]:= FullForm@%D<br />

Out[69]//FullForm=<br />

List@List@Rule@y@xD, Plus@-1, Times@-2, ProductLog@Times@Rational@-1, 2D,<br />

Power@Power@E, Plus@-1, Times@-1, xD, Times@-1, C@1DDDD, Rational@1, 2DDDDDDDD,<br />

List@Rule@y@xD, Plus@-1, Times@-2, ProductLog@Times@Rational@1, 2D,<br />

Power@Power@E, Plus@-1, Times@-1, xD, Times@-1, C@1DDDD, Rational@1, 2DDDDDDDDD<br />

In[70]:= ? ProductLog<br />

ProductLog@zD gives the principal solution for w in z we w .<br />

ProductLog@k, zD gives the k th solution. à<br />

Zum Schluss noch ein Beispiel, bei welchem Mathematica fälschlicherweise keine korrekte<br />

Fallunterscheidung vornimmt.<br />

In[71]:= DE = y'@xD x 1 + y@xD<br />

Out[71]= y £ HxL x yHxL + 1<br />

In[72]:= DSolve@DE, y@xD, xD<br />

Out[72]= ::yHxL Ø 1<br />

16 I4 c1 x 2 2 4<br />

+ 4 c1 + x - 16M>>

MatheIII03-.nb 7<br />

In[73]:= plot1 = DirectionField@DE, y@xD, 8x, −5, 5

8 MatheIII03-.nb<br />

In[75]:= Show@plot1, plot2, PlotRange → 8−1, 5><br />


MatheIII03-.nb 9<br />

à Beispiel 1.12<br />

In[78]:= DSolve@y'@xD Sin@xD y@xD, y@xD, xD<br />

Out[78]= 99yHxL Ø c1 ‰ -cosHxL ==<br />

In[79]:= DSolve@8y'@xD Sin@xD y@xD, y@0D 1

10 MatheIII03-.nb<br />

Diese einfache Differentialgleichung für K[x] können wir aber durch Integration lösen und wir<br />

erhalten<br />

In[100]:= spezielleLösung = y@xD → KExpB‡ −a@xD xF ∗ ‡ b@xD ExpB‡ a@xD xF xO<br />

Out[100]= yHxL ؉ -Ÿ aHxL „x ‡ bHxL ‰ Ÿ aHxL „x „ x<br />

Test:<br />

In[101]:= test = DE ê. 8spezielleLösung, D@spezielleLösung, xD<<br />

Out[101]= True<br />

DSolve kann dies auch alleine, liefert aber wieder eine kompliziert aussehende Lösung.<br />

In[102]:= DSolve@DE, y@xD, xD<br />

Out[102]= ::yHxL ؉ Ÿ x x<br />

-aHK@1DL „K@1D<br />

1<br />

‡1 bHK@2DL ‰ -Ÿ<br />

K@2D<br />

-aHK@1DL „K@1D<br />

1<br />

„ K@2D + c1 ‰ Ÿ x<br />

-aHK@1DL „K@1D>><br />

1<br />

Beispiel 1.16<br />

In[103]:= DE = y'@xD y@xD + x<br />

Out[103]= y £ HxL yHxL + x

MatheIII03-.nb 11<br />

In[104]:= plot1 = DirectionField@DE, y@x D, 8x, −5, 5

12 MatheIII03-.nb<br />

In[106]:= plot2 = PlotB<br />

Out[106]=<br />

Evaluate@Table@y@xD ê. DSolve@8DE, y@0D k

MatheIII03-.nb 13<br />

In[107]:= Show@plot1, plot2, PlotRange → 8−5, 5< D<br />

Out[107]=<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

nach unserer Formel:<br />

In[108]:= a =−1; b = x;<br />

-4 -2 0 2 4<br />

Allgemeine Lösung der homogenen Differentialgleichung:<br />

In[109]:= hom = y1 → K ∗Ÿ−a x<br />

Out[109]= y1 Ø K ‰ x<br />

Variation der Konstanten:<br />

In[110]:= ‡ b Ÿ a x x<br />

Out[110]= ‰ -x H-x - 1L<br />

Spezielle Lösung der inhomogenen Differentialgleichung:<br />

In[111]:= var = y2 → Ÿ −a x ∗ ‡ b Ÿ a x x<br />

Out[111]= y2 Ø-x - 1<br />

Allgemeine Lösung der inhomogenen Differentialgleichung:

14 MatheIII03-.nb<br />

In[112]:= lösung = y → y1 + y2 ê. 8hom, var<<br />

Out[112]= y Ø K ‰ x - x - 1<br />

Wir lösen das Anfangswertproblem mit y(x0)=y0:<br />

In[113]:= Solve@Hlösung@@2DD ê. 8x → x0

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